Saturday, August 6, 2011

My parents can't get the ***** off my back...their fake niceness is killing me?

After my parents made me end my relationship with the guy I loved, they treated me like sh!t and told me they couldn't trust me. I guess now they feel bad because I've been upset lately (i'm finally bouncing back, yay!!) and they know what they did was horrible, even though they won't admit it. Now my dad is calling me from work telling me to have a beautiful day and my mom calls to "check up on me" because she "cares" and my mom is always apologizing and trying her fake's really annoying. She offered to dye my hair for me and just came into my room to check and see what I was doing. Why are they doing this?! For all the hell they've caused me do they really think this sh!t is going to work?

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